
So, I am way behind on this challenge, but I am attempting to make it up, by simply answering the questions as best possible with what I know so far.

Day 10, What are the key ways in which you want to make money online in your chosen business or which are the key online revenue streams you want to focus on in your existing business?

This one is hard, because I haven’t put much thought into it. But, overall, I would like to make money online by satisfying my clients. I want to be their “go to girl” when it comes to event planning. However, I want them to feel that they are receiving excellent service for the price they are paying. That is also my struggle, I really have no basis for how much to charge my first client. But, I will learn this through more research.

Day 11:  Knowing what business model to choose and why? What business model is best for you and what one revenue stream is most feasible?

Selling myself and my expertise in managing events is what my business model will revolve around. I will need to use the “active” revenue stream, however I’m not sure how I will accomplish this as I really don’t want see myself as the coaching, consulting, copywriting, teaching, workshop kind of person. I need to work on this one some more. But, again you’ve given me so much to think about it!

I especially like that you shared your one page business model template. Once I gather up the time to put all of the key items I’ve learned from this challenge, that will be one of the first things I turn to.

Day 12:
Here are some questions to ask yourself and others who know you to develop your USP:
1.What are you better at than anyone else?  The details of event planning. You can be a good event planner, but if you are not the best at “the dets” then your not a “great” event planner.

2.What do you enjoy doing the most? I actually enjoy working with brides the most. I think my favorite part of events is actually working on site the day of or week of the actual event. Seeing all the hard work become reality is my favorite part!

3.What do (or could) you provide that no one else is providing?  I need to think about this one. But this one is going to be the prompt for one of my website sections, because this is what most people want to know!

4.What annoys people the most about your industry or blog area? Probably that I can never finish a thought, because I am always chasing my one year old.

5.What is remarkable about you?  My ability to communicate with all types of people and my ability to always make people laugh. I also have the ability to keep people engaged in conversation and always laughing or smiling.

6.Do you have an unusual combination of elements? Yes

7.Do you have a big personality? Yes

Now write your USP (Unique Special Proposition) statement. Take action.

I am unique and different because I provide organization through a detailed timeline of activities for every event I plan. My timelines are unique, creative, and are the key to planning a successful event, which no one else in my field provides. No one else can or will provide this because they do not have the expertise or organizational skills I have. I also have a bright, BIG personality and by partnering with me, your event planning will be simple, FUN, and successful.

Day 13 Blog Challenge to accept in 3 easy steps

1. Write a response blog post to this question:

What three things would you most like your website to have and how will you go about getting them?

I would like my website to:

1) Reflect my personality

2) Tell my story

3) Allow people to understand my passion for events

However, I’ve realized that in order to get the above, I need to answer a lot of questions for myself first.

After going through these posts, I realize that I have a lot to think about. I need to gather my thoughts and try to focus on what I really want to achieve through my business. Wow. This is very challenging. But, in time I trust that I can get these questions answered. Eventually.

I apologize to all the professional, successful online business owners, I wish I had some more direction. But, I am happy that I am starting somewhere!

On another note, I ran 13 very hilly miles yesterday and actually felt FANTASTIC! Oh, and all this was done in the South Texas Heat! Boy, was I drenched. But, I’ll do it, whatever it takes to get me to finish line of my first marathon! Cheers.

30 day challenge

Reduction in Force

Day 6 Blog Challenge to accept in 3 easy steps

1. Write a response blog post to this question:

What are my three priorities for the next 30 days that will move me closer towards living life on my own terms?

This one is hard, but its good. I think I’m scared to commit to three things because I feel like I won’t have enough time. But, I will.

Three priorities for the next 30 days

1) Make a website for my own business, whether it be a blog website or a “real” one that I get professional help with. Just, something to let people know that I am available to “runevents”.

2) Design and print professional business cards that have my business name on them. Something that reflects “ME”!

3) Begin to tell my family and friends about my new adventure (starting my own business) and also let them know that my working at UTSA chapter in life has come to a close for the time being.

I’ve only told a few people that I was part of a Reduction in Force at my former job. I think its because I am scared to offer explanations. But, truly, I know that the RIF was not about me, it was about our department as a whole. I was one of 20 people let go in my office. And, it was actually perfect timing for me and my new adventure. So, its time to let everyone know.

So, above is what I am going to focus on, and I did follow the tip, “Focus on the ones you believe are a stretch, but achievable.”  Though, some of the above may seem easily achievable when reading, to me, they are a bit of a stretch. They are a stretch because I am having trouble coming up with a theme for the business. Hence, making the website and business card creation a little difficult.

But, I trust that I will achieve them.  Any tips, on creating a website, business cards, and letting the world know you were let go of your job and starting your own business are appreciated.

I mean, I am looking for a “real” job as well, but I am being very picky, as I want one that will let me be independent and make me happy.

30 day challenge


Day 4:
What is your definition of location independence?

Honestly, I do not have a true answer to this question. To me, I suppose an independent location is: not being tied down to having to go into an office every day from 8am-5pm. Its being able to work while doing ANYTHING!

I mean, I worked from home while I was on bed rest with my son, and I got SOOOO much done! I was employed with a State University as an Event Manager, and I realized that there was so much I could do from home and actually feel extremely productive. It was tough, because I could not move away from my lap top and could only walk a few steps per day. But, it helped me become so much more productive.

I worked from home post C-section as well, and it was awesome. Lots of stuff done, and basically worked 24-7. I had my smart phone, so I made phone calls, answered emails, and gave direction while I was doing almost anything. Breastfeeding, rocking my child, eating, watching TV, etc.

I guess, being able to have the independence to do what I want when I want is my definition of location independence?

PS, Sorry if these are so short and not exactly answering the full question, but I am doing the best I can with the brain power I have left. I think I should call this blog “Exhaustion” because that is how I feel every time I write. Well, today at least.

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The Garmin

Day 5: How to create your perfect day in work and play

Today I woke up at 5:45am to run 10 miles of my marathon training with my run group. I am utterly exhausted. See, I live in South Texas, so the weather is not the best at this time. So, training for a marathon does not come easy. The good news is, I finished. At 11:00 minute pace. This was great considering we stopped a lot and I never stopped “The Garmin”.

On to answer the question above. A perfect day for me would be:

1) Sleeping in

2) Having a personal shopper/stylist  organize my closet and pick out all my outfits for the day in advance.  Because, then I would look fabulous all of the time, right?

3) Having access to the beach so I can “run” to it whenever I wanted. Aww, my son is so happy when he’s in the water, and so is his mommy.

4) Did someone say work? Yes, ideal work day= super organized desk, a boss that understands (myself, right?), and working with a staff who knows how to make quick decisions. Oh, and NO LAST MINUTE STUFF, it MAKES me crazy! Of course, I know how to overcome but, still!!!!

 5) I would like to spend the ideal day with my family, ALL of them. We are so much fun when we get together as a group, I feel if they were with me all of the time, I would be so much happier each day.
However, I must say, I have it made, at this current time. I spend time with my mom and my son each and every day. Its heavenly- watching them together.  One of the beauties of not having an 8am-5pm job! Quality time with my mom and son that I will NEVER get back!


I woke up today very tired. My Lincoln decided he wanted to stay up until midnight as happy as can be roaming around the house and jumping up and down. Awww. A day in the life of a one year old!

Today’s question is: What’s your definition of freedom in business and adventure in life?

This is going to be brief, as I am exhausted, and need to go get changed for marathon training with my run group. Plus, find a new outfit for Lincoln since his last one got bananas all over it. But, Daddy is home from work, so I have some time.

I had time earlier during his nap, but I decided to apply for a few jobs, just to see how it goes. You’d be amazed how much time it takes to apply for a job. I’m exhausted! That’s why I am hoping and praying that this independent thing of mine, works out!

So, here is goes, my definition of freedom in business and adventure in life:

1) Being able to make my own schedule and go and come as I please

2) Being surrounded by “fun” people ALL of the time

3) Being able to take a nap whenever I feel like it

4) Sitting on the beach with country music blaring and my choice of beverage in my  hand

5) Having a clean house all of the time

6) Being able to pretend that I am still in college “sometimes”.

7) The city of Chicago, which is where I went to college and where I met my husband and where I worked at my very first “real” job always makes me feel free and adventurous.

Ok, that’s all folks. Not sure, if that’s 250 words, but I literally gotta “run”.

Yesterday’s boot camp rocked! My husband joined me and loved it. The couple that sweats together stays together. 🙂

Today is track/sprint training and we have a special guest physical trainer joining us. She is going to test our running form and answer any questions we have.

Until next time. Sorry, if I am way off topic. But, I tend to just vent sometimes.

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Europe, of course

I could not sleep last night, because I was thinking about my son’s first haircut that happened yesterday. I miss his curls and don’t think they will every come back. I know I need to get over it, but I simply cannot. 

I don’t know how this starting my business is going to pan out, I usually spend the time that I am here writing, searching for job prospects and clients, but instead here I am writing away. 

This “time” I say is of course while my 17 month old sleeps, because the other part of the day is spent watching his every step!

So, let me get to it.. todays challenge was as follows:

If you woke up tomorrow and were free to do anything you wanted with your life, what would you do and who would you be?

This is a tough one, well in a sense. But, here is my answer,

I would go back to Europe, but this time bring my ENTIRE family. This includes my immediate and non immediate, my family that lives in San Antonio and those that do not. Oh, yes and a few select good friends as well. When my husband and I traveled Europe was one of the best times in my life! So, my thinking is why not bring my family and friends to share in the joy that I had at that time in my life.  It will be an even greater time because my baby boy will be there to share in the joy. I can see him now,  running in the meadow watching the sheep at the foot of the mountains in Switzerland. Or, running up and down the beer hall in Munich dancing to the beat of the German music.  Ahhhh, a girl can dream, right?

The end. Gotta run and do some more applications and eat lunch before I forget!

OH, and todays marathon training includes… 1  hour boot camp! And, I think my husband will be able to join me today, because my mom will be here to watch Lincoln!


P.S. My mind was not on a business mind set today, so that is reflected in my answer, can you tell?



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Day 1: Did someone say challenge?

I am starting this blog for four reasons:

1) As part of the 30 day challenge presented by, The Suitcase Entrepreneur.  Special thanks to Veronica, for sending me this way.

2) To detail my journey into starting my own business. An event planning business that is. I’ve decided that August 2013 is the month that I will go out on the venture to become independent!

3) To detail my training for my first FULL marathon. I’ve ran 7 half marathons, but that’s nothing compared to my first FULL!

4) To note some day to day memories about my precious baby boy.

This blog will share my story of beginning my own business amidst the craziness of being a mother and a runner! This blog will also be turned into my business website, eventually.

My oh my, I realize I am asking a lot from this blog, but together with this challenge it will happen! I am a little worried. But, I am ready, as every day is a challenge, and I will overcome.

Just like I survived my sons very first haircut today. He kicked, screamed, yelled, and had snot running all down his nose. But, grandma was their to the rescue and we conquered the day. 

I also ran three miles today with my run group, including over a mile of hills. Plus, did endurance exercises which included wall sits and some jump roping.

30 day blog challenge here I come!